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April 6, 2020


Dear Parent,


We trust that you and your family are safe as we all cooperate in helping to eradicate COVID-19. Now that our children have their study packets, computers and are now interacting with their teachers, it is time for us to join in by providing our comprehensive after-school programming for our students. Our main priority, like yours, has been and always will be, keeping our students safe and providing them with the tools to be successful in school and in life.


With this in mind, our mentoring program is happy to roll out a “club offering” during the afternoon four days per week, and parents are invited to participate alongside your child. Keep in mind that our program is incentivized, and we will appreciate your suggestion as to what that should be for students who attend the sessions. The program will be delivered via Google Meet for interactive sessions. Start-up will be Wednesday, April 15.


Our special staff will include Osbaldo Meza and Kyrie Doniz, Bonner Scholars who will be working from their home in Texas. Dr. Nancy Smith is a retired professor from Allegheny College and Board Chair of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Nita M. Lowey PA 21st CCLC.


As we provide our services, the staff will be exploring and building new ways to support our students. In the meantime, we are also enclosing a calendar, Google Meet directions and a list of resources that may be helpful for our students.


We see this difficult time as an opportunity to be a valuable resource to the community and act as an extension to the at-home learning that our school partners and students are depending on, but we cannot do it alone. With your fine support, we are confident we will get through this as a team.


Should you have any questions, please call me at 814-282-0634 or email me at


Our prayer is that COVID-19 will soon be eradicated and we will once again come together.






Dr. Armendia P. Dixon


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