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Crawford Gives

A Gift That Keep On Giving

Dear Friend, 


The Meadville area has many talented and brilliant students who deserve to succeed. Our young people are faced with horrendous obstacles both personal and financial. They need your encouragement and financial help!


Meadville Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Fund, Inc.was formed in 1968, to provide scholarships to students of all races and backgrounds. The fund is a perpetual endowment managed by Crawford Heritage Community Foundation. Scholarships are awarded each year to Meadville Area Senior High School students who meet the criteria. In 2023, $8,567 was awarded, thanks to your contribution. 


It is our goal to increase these scholarship awards to provide more meaningful financial assistance.  


Your gift will give our youth the inspiration, courage and hope to pursue a college education. Crawford Gives will take place August 27-29, 2023.  We invite you to donate on one of these dates by going to Your employer may also have a donation matching program which can increase or even double your gift. 


Through educating our young people, you will help to improve their lives and the lives of their families for generations to come. Many of these young people will return to Meadville to work and raise their families. Wherever they live, they will make a positive impact on the community. 




Dr. Nancy Smith


Meadville Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Fund, Inc. 

We Need Your Support Today!


Meadville Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Fund, Inc.


Phone: 814-720-4501

Address: PO Box 205 Meadville, Pennsylvania 16335

© 2023 by Osbaldo Meza Chavez

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