Mentoring Program Application
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mentoring Program Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center is designed to work mainly one-on-one with middle school students to provide academic support and character building and is opened to ANY interested students. The mentoring program is an important resource because the students are able to spend time working on academic and other challenges unique to them. It is an excellent environment for completing homework. The program is coordinated by Dr. Armendia Dixon and is a collaboration between Allegheny College, The Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Foundation and Crawford Central School District.
The parent and student applicant will receive a copy of the year-long schedule before the 2020-2021 School Year begins.
I. The primary goals of the program are:
To assist the mentee in mastering his/ her course work
To help the mentee increase her/his level of self-confidence and independence
To recognize the mentee’s academic achievements by providing him/ her with learning strategies for being successful
To sharpen the mentee’s skills in such a way as to ensure her/his academic success
To provide character and community- building activities that promote positive social interactions
To provide incentives for the mentee to reach his/her academic goals
To maintain a connection with teachers and keep them informed about the progress of the students enrolled in the program
II. Structure of the program:
Program will run weekly Monday-Thursday from 3:30pm - 5:30pm in a designated room in the middle school.
The program will follow the school calendar along with Allegheny College’s academic calendar.
Applications will be accepted and students may enroll as open positions allow.
The program will accommodate up to 40 students (20 7th grade students, 20 8th grade students).
Allegheny College mentors will be assigned 1-3 mentees and engage in a number of activities including but not limited to: academic and social skill-building, community building, and field trips to cultural offerings as per the curriculum.
***Students must obey all school rules during the MLK Mentoring Program both in Meadville Area Middle School and on outings outside the school. Failure to obey the rules may result in dismissal from the program.***